Continuing the porting of the last few missing gameplay elements from the predecessor, in this version Raziel and dimensional travel make a return. In addition, a new class and race which use dimensional travel features. And of course a few bug fixes.
Release notes:
* Dream Image spawning by Euphoria was missing a particle effect. Fixed.
* Corrupted Sigils were missing a glow effect. Fixed.
* Stunned status effect visual would sometimes jump up in the air. Fixed.
* Added the Syron race.
* Added the Planeswalker class.
* Added the Syntropic shrine.
* Added Raziel, the Soul Reaver to the pantheon of deities.
* Summon spells can no longer be cast outside the level.
* Added tools to travel to other planes and dimensions.
* Zombies created by the Zombie Lord's aura could still drown. Fixed.
* When angry, Pharmakeus will now also sometimes make enemies throw potions at you.
* Many wishes are now instant and will resolve immediately without need to prime them.
* Wishing for health or the removal of diseases is now more expensive (but instant).
* Added The Astronomicon unique item.