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About me

I am Wouter and I created the original Triangle Wizard when I was studying physics. I had been creating games since middle school, ever since I found a book in the local library acquainting me with the QBASIC language. I transitioned into Game Maker and when I become enamored by roguelikes like NetHack, Diablo I, and ToME, I knew I one day had to try my hand at making one for myself.


I drew inspiration mainly from Diablo I but also other games I was playing at the time, such as Age of Wonders I and Baldur's Gate. I made the game for myself, creating a game I wanted to play and never dreamt others would be as interested. Yet, the game did gather a group of fans, and I played it a lot with friends at university (some of which actually managed to beat the game).


The original game released on October 27, 2008, more than a decade ago! The game would never have been as extensive without its fans providing me with suggestions and bug reports all those many years! It is for them that I undertook the effort in the last few years to create a new version.


Now with the advent of Triangle Wizard II I hope to bring joy to both new and old players alike.​


If you have any suggestions, remarks or just want to express your opinion there are several ways to contact me. I am reachable by e-mail, forum, and there is also a Facebook group dedicated to Triangle Wizard:




wollie73(at)  (replace the "at" with an @)

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(discover other fun roguelikes)

(C) 2008-2024 Wouter van den Wollenberg - Simonyan. All rights reserved.

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