Thank you so much Wouter. I am incredible excited to play Triangle Wizard again. It is so good to see this beautiful game in a new engine. I am also really looking forward to the new wish mechanic it sounds really fun. I just started a game and I have a few suggestions:
1. Let us change the control keys. Maybe I missed it but I want to put the keys back how they were. Some things just don't line up well for one hand (e.g. wasd and enter as interaction)
2. I am really missing some options that used to be in TW1. Right now I have a paladin from a crusade spell. But for some reason he never casts his remedy spell. There used to be an option to turn spell casting on and off in allies. And also change behaviours like stay back or engage in melee.
3. Also regarding spellcasting. The option to turn specific spells of allies on and off really needs to be implemented again. Some spells are just to dangerous in allies. On that note: sometimes your allies have the charm spell. Then if they charm an enemy once he is on your side in the old TW1 you couldn't turn his spells on/off (maybe because he was not technically under your control but under the control of an ally/familiar.) It was rarely gamebreaking but that was one of the reasons I usually deactivated charm on my allies because every now and then they would charm an enemy with a really dangerous spell that I couldn't turn off. Could you implement that too?
4. In the shops we used to push a button (backspace I think) and get extended shop keeper options (buy items, spell levels, storage incantations etc.). I tried pressing every single button but couldn't get them. Are they gone on purpose?
5. In TW1 when you spend a long time in a level it used to save you current status in that level. Sometimes exploring a level takes a long time but I don't want to go down the stairs yet to save the game. I would appreciate an option to save the game within a floor (maybe just going back to main menu?)
6. And One thing I really missed in TW1: Speed up Button! Sometimes I use a lot of slow regenerating spells and I know I have to regenerate them for the next fight. Because they need almost 2 minutes to regenerate one charge I have to stop playing the game for like 10 minutes to wait for that regeneration. I am perfectly save (no enemies on screen) yet this really disrupts the flow of playing. So a speed up button (like 10x) would be a huge in terms of QoL and fun.
Thank you very much for that great game! And I guess congratulations and best wishes to your marriage!
Regarding #6 - All regenerating spells should fully regenerate all incantations instantly when changing floors, representing time spent recovering in safety.
I descended quite a bit now and haven't found any quests. I guess quests are not implemented yet?
There should be a wish for the "Tome of Arcane Internment". Maybe hidden like "I wish for a more difficult game".
I just tried sacrificing several power ups to my familiar none seemed to work. Is that a bug? Or does it only apply after a resummon?
Can we still give allies items? I can't figure out how...
Thank you! :D And thank you for your input! :D Unfortunately, to be able to change the keys I need to swap out the Input Manager, which is very certain to introduce bugs. It is on my to-do list but I would like to wait a bit until the game is a bit more stable before undertaking it. That said I understand it is a bit annoying, I still find myself pressing the TW1 keys from time to time ;) The shopkeeper services are still there. :) The item shop can be found by going into the inventory ("I" key) and then clicking "enter store". The buttons to buy spell power-ups can be found directly in the spell list / Grimoire (when in a shop).
Creatures in earlier versions of TW1 used to melee automatically when they bumped into things. But in the more recent versions you had to use the right mouse click (this was to be able to support ranged attacks). It's the same in TW2; you need to right click ;) (Unless this is a new bug, but on my computer it seems to work fine.)
The game saving during a level (instead of inbetween) is a bit harder to implement in TW2 than it was in TW1. I'll have to think about if this can be easily done.
I'll see if I can add a speed-up feature and/or ally spellcasting customization options in the new version ;)
Also the triangle doesn't seem to do any melee damage. I tried with several races (e.g. werewolf, human) and they don't do any melee damage even though the creature is not immune.